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The Best Crystals For Intuition

Crystals are items that offer many helpful benefits. These powerful and beautiful stones aid in everything from promoting sleep to helping people find calm in their lives. The pursuit of intuition is something people often crave and constantly seek out. Fortunately, there are crystals for intuition that help in this area!

Crystals for intuition help the holder of the stone learn to trust their instincts. This aspect is very important as many of us feel we have difficulty making decisions. When we collect stones for intuition we are working on improving our instincts which will help with our decision-making process. These stones also help with spiritual guidance as well as spiritual awareness.

Intuition crystals are also excellent stones for psychic ability purposes. If you want to improve your sense of awareness and hone your psychic skills, using crystals for intuition will help with this process. Enhancing psychic abilities can help in many ways and for a variety of reasons.

Why Should We Use Crystals For Intuition?

Embracing our intuition and tuning into psychic abilities can be accomplished with the help of stones for intuition. We can practice meditation or balance our chakras to help with intuition, but using crystals for this purpose is an excellent option to keep in mind along with these other methods.

First, when we use crystals for intuition, these stones are items we can carry with us wherever we go. We can wear crystals for psychic ability and stones for intuition simply by carrying them in a purse or wearing the crystal as a necklace pendant around our neck. Crystals for intuition are easy to use and keep with us.

Also, using crystals for intuition provides us with a safe way to pursue this goal. There is no harm in trying crystals or stones to see if they work for us. When we realize how safe crystal usage is, it’s easy to see why stones for intuition should always be an option when we pursue this goal.

In addition, stones for intuition can be used for other reasons as well. Many crystals have multiple meanings associated with them. Therefore, you may choose a specific crystal for its intuition properties, but find that it’s helpful in many other areas, too.

Last but certainly not least, stones used for intuition purposes are lovely to look at, no matter how they are displayed. From the bright sunshine vibe colors of citrine to the vibrant visuals of amethyst, you’ll find that each intuition stone is beautiful in its own way.

Best Stones For Intuition

Now that you know why choosing crystals for intuition is a good idea, here are some stones you may want to add to your collection. The following nine stones for intuition will help you find clarity and improve your decision-making capabilities:



  • Appearance: Agate comes in various colors, including blue, red, green, and yellow, often with distinctive bands of color or patterns.
  • Benefits: Enhances mental function, improves concentration, and stabilizes the aura. It's known for its grounding and emotional healing properties.
  • When to Use: Use during decision-making or when seeking clarity and stability. It's also beneficial for grounding during meditation.
  • Why for Intuition: Agate's grounding energy helps to clear the mind, allowing for a better connection with one's inner wisdom and intuition.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz

  • Appearance: Known for its clear, transparent appearance, sometimes with inclusions or a cloudy look.
  • Benefits: Amplifies energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It brings clarity to your communication and enhances psychic abilities.
  • When to Use: Ideal for any situation where clarity and focus are needed. It's also used in meditation to connect with higher guidance.
  • Why for Intuition: Clear Quartz is a master healer and amplifier, enhancing one's internal guidance system and intuition.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

  • Appearance: Soft pink, often translucent and sometimes cloudy, with a gentle, soothing radiance.
  • Benefits: Promotes love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing, and feelings of peace. It's calming and reassuring.
  • When to Use: When dealing with emotional wounds, seeking to enhance self-love, or improving relationships. It's also used for heart chakra healing.
  • Why for Intuition: Rose Quartz opens the heart, allowing one to tune into the subtle intuitions and guidance from the heart space.



  • Appearance: Ranges from pale yellow to a honey-orange color, transparent and often vibrant.
  • Benefits: Attracts wealth, prosperity, and success. It imparts joy, wonder, delight, and enthusiasm. Raises self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • When to Use: When seeking abundance, pursuing new ventures, or needing a boost of positivity and confidence.
  • Why for Intuition: Citrine enhances mental clarity, which can help to recognize better and follow intuitive guidance.



  • Appearance: Ranges from light to deep purple, often transparent, with a glassy luster.
  • Benefits: Natural tranquilizer relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balance mood swings, and dispels anger, rage, fear, and anxiety.
  • When to Use: In times of stress, for meditation, or when seeking spiritual growth. It's also used for protection against psychic attacks.
  • Why for Intuition: Amethyst enhances spiritual awareness and psychic abilities, opening intuition and enhancing psychic gifts.



  • Appearance: Transparent and colorless with a pearl-like luster, often seen in long, striated crystals or smoothed into wands.
  • Benefits: Provides clarity of mind and expands one's awareness of the self and surroundings. Promotes peace and calm.
  • When to Use: For mental clarity, spiritual insight, and protection from negative energy. It's also used to cleanse and charge other crystals.
  • Why for Intuition: Selenite's high vibrational energy enhances clarity, allowing for a deeper connection to the higher self and intuition.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli

  • Appearance: Deep blue with flecks of pyrite (gold color) and calcite (white color).
  • Benefits: Releases stress, bringing deep peace. It brings harmony and deep self-knowledge, encourages self-awareness, and reveals inner truth.
  • When to Use: For those who want to know more about themselves and the world, find wisdom and the truth. It's also used for throat chakra healing.
  • Why for Intuition: Lapis Lazuli helps you become more spiritually aware and opens up your psychic and dream-reading skills. It also makes it easier to go on spiritual journeys and boosts your personal and spiritual power.



  • Appearance: Turquoise-green to blue-green, often opaque and with a silky luster.
  • Benefits: Soothes emotional trauma, alleviating worry and fear. It promotes universal love and intuition. It enhances communication and aligns the physical and astral bodies.
  • When to Use: When seeking to express oneself more freely, during stressful times for peace, or when working on balancing energy.
  • Why for Intuition: Amazonite filters out stress, heals traumas, and harmonizes a wide array of energies, which in turn enhances intuitive wisdom and spiritual insight.



  • Appearance: Delicate blue crystals, often transparent or translucent, with a vitreous to pearly luster.
  • Benefits: Promotes purity of the heart, attracts good fortune, and brings balance and alignment. It offers a gentle, uplifting energy.
  • When to Use: For meditation, invite angelic guidance or seek calm and clarity in communication.
  • Why for Intuition: Celestite's high vibrational energy helps to connect with the angelic realms, enhancing spiritual intuition and fostering a deeper understanding of one's inner truth.



  • Appearance: Rich green color with distinctive dark green banding. Often polished to a beautiful shine.
  • Benefits: Powerful protector, absorbs negative energies and pollutants from the atmosphere and the body. Encourages risk-taking and change.
  • When to Use: When undergoing transformational changes, for protection against negative energies, or when seeking emotional balance.
  • Why for Intuition: Malachite amplifies positive and negative energies, encouraging the wearer to understand the deeper emotional reasons behind their intuition.



  • Appearance: Most commonly green, but it can also be blue, red, yellow, or peach. Translucence and mineral particles that make it shimmer or shine are what make it unique.
  • Benefits: Promotes feelings of well-being and emotional calm. It's known as a stone of prosperity, encouraging perseverance.
  • When to Use: When working on personal growth, seeking new opportunities, or manifesting greater prosperity.
  • Why for Intuition: Aventurine supports the heart chakra, enhancing decision-making abilities and amplifying leadership qualities, including intuitive understanding.



  • Appearance: Comes in various colors, including purple, green, blue, and yellow, often with bands of different colors in the same crystal.
  • Benefits: Highly protective, especially when it comes to the mental realm. It stops psychic trickery and helps you tell when outside forces are at work in your life.
  • When to Use: When studying or needing to concentrate, for psychic protection, or when working to balance the chakras.
  • Why for Intuition: Fluorite clears and clarifies mental clutter, enabling a clear connection to intuition and the higher self.



  • Appearance: Typically blue, but can also be found in green, black, and orange. It has a unique blade-like formation.
  • Benefits: It does not retain negative energy and never needs cleansing. Aligns all chakras and subtle bodies instantly. Encourages communication and self-expression.
  • When to Use: When seeking to speak one's truth, for meditation, or to create a bridge between different beliefs and ideas.
  • Why for Intuition: Kyanite's alignment properties extend to the intuitive and psychic realms, enhancing telepathic abilities and providing clarity of mind.



  • Appearance: Glossy and black, sometimes with a glassy or metallic sheen. It can also show bands of color or rainbow-like sheens.
  • Benefits: Strongly defensive and a wall against bad things. It gets rid of mental stress and strain and helps people let go of their feelings.
  • When to Use: For grounding, protection from negative energies, or working through emotional turmoil.
  • Why for Intuition: Obsidian helps clear negative energy's aura, allowing for a more precise, more grounded intuition.



  • Appearance: Rich royal blue, often with white calcite inclusions.
  • Benefits: Foster's logic, rationality, and efficiency. Promotes emotional balance and calms panic attacks. Enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance, and self-trust.
  • When to Use: To calm the mind, enhance communication, or promote harmony and trust during group work.
  • Why for Intuition: Sodalite stimulates the pineal gland and third eye, deepening meditation and unlocking intuitive abilities.



  • Appearance: Ranges from colorless to white, peach, pink, green, and blue, with a distinctive shimmer or sheen known as adularescence.
  • Benefits: Promotes intuition and empathy. Encourages lucid dreaming, especially at the time of the full moon. It is known to enhance psychic abilities and to develop clairvoyance.
  • When to Use: For new beginnings, to balance emotions, or when seeking to connect more deeply with one's feminine side.
  • Why for Intuition: Moonstone's connection to the moon and feminine intuition enhances psychic abilities and brings balance and harmony.



  • Appearance: Gray base, but known for its remarkable play of color, showing vivid flashes of green, blue, gold, orange, red, and sometimes purple.
  • Benefits: Gets rid of fears and insecurities and builds trust in the world and faith in oneself. It opens up your ideas and calms down a mind that is too active.
  • When to Use: When undergoing change, needing to tap into creativity, or seeking to strengthen intuition and psychic abilities.
  • Why for Intuition: Labradorite is the stone of transformation and magic. It enhances the strength of will and inner worth, thus enhancing intuition.

Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace Agate

  • Appearance: Light blue, with bands of brighter blue, white, and sometimes brown layers.
  • Benefits: Calms and soothes the wearer, bringing peace of mind. It's particularly effective for activating and healing the throat chakra, allowing free expression of thoughts and feelings.
  • When to Use: When seeking calm and peace, communicating effectively, or working to understand your own truth.
  • Why for Intuition: Blue Lace Agate's gentle energy enhances verbal expression and communication, bridging the gap between thoughts and feelings and fostering intuitive insights.



  • Appearance: Deep, vibrant blue, sometimes found in the same stone, creating a powerful contrast.
  • Benefits: Stimulates the intellect, awakening psychic and intuitive abilities' development and aligning inner vision with spiritual guidance.
  • When to Use: For enhancing mental clarity, unlocking psychic abilities, or during meditation to deepen understanding of the spiritual realm.
  • Why for Intuition: Azurite is known for its ability to clear and expand the mind, removing blockages to intuitive and psychic abilities, making it a powerful stone for those seeking to deepen their intuitive capacities.

How To Put Our Crystals To Good Use

Now that you’re aware of some special intuition crystals, how should you use these beautiful stones so that their powerful energy works for you? The good news is that you can use crystals in many ways, including stones for intuition. You can wear these items as jewelry or use them in chakra cleansings…the choice is yours!

Here are some ways to start using your stones for intuition and crystals for psychic ability:

Meditation Aids

Crystals are extremely useful tools for meditation. You can focus on the specific areas you want to work on and use a corresponding crystal to amplify the meditation session. You can also choose a few different stones to help with meditation goals. If you want to increase your intuition abilities, use one or more intuition crystals to do so.

Chakra Balancing Help

Chakra balancing is a way to get your seven chakras in alignment. Each chakra helps a different area of the body. If you want to increase your intuition factors, you can focus on the throat chakra for communication and the crown and third eye chakras for intuition. For example, an amethyst stone is helpful for use with your crown and third eye chakras to boost your intuition levels.

Carry Your Stones

If you don’t practice meditation or chakra cleansing or simply want to have your intuition stones with you at all times, you can carry these powerful energy stones with you. You can buy small intuition crystals and place one or two in your pockets or purse in a small felt bag. Or you can carry them loose. When you carry your stones with you wherever you go, you’ll feel that intuition vibe and psychic powers with you at all times.

Wear Your Crystals

Crystals also make the best jewelry! Not only does wearing these stones as jewelry make it easy to take your crystals with you, but they are so beautiful to view. From labradorite with its bold, powerful colors to the gentle pink tones of rose quartz, there’s a perfect piece of intuition jewelry out there for you. And the crystal jewelry doesn’t have to be a heavy item to wear. It can be a delicate crystal bracelet featuring one or more of the intuition crystals listed above.

Use Your Crystals in Feng Shui

If you’ve heard of feng shui, you know how powerful this harmony and balance activity is. If you haven’t, now is an excellent time to find out all about it. Feng shui is the practice of placing items throughout your home and office for balance, protection, and energy. In fact, you create balance within the natural world and find harmony with your surroundings. Crystals play a large part in this practice.

You can use certain crystals to promote balance and harmony in your home and office. For example, place a rose quartz stone on your bedside table. Doing so will help to promote self-love which in turn helps with developing intuition and inner knowing.

Display Your Intuition Crystals

Since intuition crystals are so lovely to look at on their own, it’s no wonder that people love to embrace the intuition and psychic attributes of these stones by displaying them as home or office decor pieces. You can buy a large stone for intuition and display it on your office desk. This may help you to follow your instincts in future business dealings. You can also place a crystal for intuition on the living room coffee table in your home and embrace intuition in this setting. Wherever you set your large intuition crystals to display, rest assured you’re going to get a lot of compliments on this type of must-have decor piece.

Find Your Best Crystal For Intuition Today

With so many psychic crystal and intuition stone options, you may not know which crystal to choose. Fortunately, you don’t have to pick just one crystal! You can choose a few crystals and wear one as jewelry, display one at your office, and use another crystal for meditation. There are no rules when it comes to how many crystals you’re able to choose. These are great stones for your spiritual practice!

If you want to start out with one specific crystal for intuition, here are some ways to narrow down the options:

Size: Think of what size crystal you want to buy and focus on those specific stones.

Color: Go with your favorite color crystal if you’re having difficulty choosing just one option.

Meaning: Look at the crystal meaning and pick the one that has the meaning that’s most important to you.

Use: Think of how you want to use your crystal, i.e. chakra cleansing or display, and pick that type of crystal.

Price: Lastly, consider the price of the crystals you’re interested in and choose the one that fits best within your budget.

Finding the best crystal doesn’t have to be a difficult task. And there are no wrong choices! As long as you choose a crystal that offers you what you’re looking for in the way of psychic energy and intuition, the stone you choose will be the right one for you. Stay in tune with your higher self with intuition crystals!